Monday, 4 April 2011

Guerrilla advertising

99 designs

Today we joined a site called 99 designs to join a competition to design a logo for someone. Below is the brief.
This is my sketch based on the two reference image he linked.
In the end I could not finish the logo in time because I cannot work well in illustrator and I didn't have it at home.

Catchphrase exercise

Today we had a short exercise a bit like the old tv show 'catchphrase' where we had to make an image for a certain catchphrase and the rest of the class had to guess what it is.

For our group we were give 'spice of life' so we made an image of a load of spice holder's on a dance-floor with glow-sticks. We did this exercise to help us make connections between words and images which is really important when designing stuff especially adverts.

Represent your name

Today we were asked to represent our name via something to do with us our our name meaning ect.

For my name I chose to turn my name into five different smiley faces because I'm a bit over the top and I love to use smiley faces while typing on the internet.

Lateral thinking exercises

Today we did some lateral thinking exercises like making shapes by removing matches from a pattern and connecting dots on a grid using a specific amount of lines. We did this to help us with thinking leteraly, which means to think outside the box in general. Thinking outside the rules is a great way to make original and creative idea's.