Monday, 31 January 2011

Game Design

Our next project was to design a Xbox game for a specific age group. First we made big group mind maps for each age group then when they were full we got into groups and chose an age group. In my team were Aj,  Connor and Adam and we chose the 11 to 18 year old age group.
In my team we decided to make a game  similar to the massive final fantasy games but to turn it on its head, usually in their games you end up saving a princess/country/world so we decided to have the purpose of the game to destroy a country, not because it was evil but because it was good, so good that it destroyed the natural balance. We then set to working on our individual parts to present our idea
For the main character we decided on something different to the usual 'Party' of 6, we decided on one main character who can posses 5 other people instead so you can get a more personalised team. For the main character we decided on a demon for something different with a teal and black colour scheme instead of the original red and black which we felt was to cliché, he also has an arm that holds special powers that gives him six different boost's of power depending on what element you choose.
The six elements we chose were: fire, water, ice, lightening, air and darkness. I was in charge of designing the six different states while Adam chose the powers you got  with the form. I decided the ark would have a texture like cracked earth with flesh underneath with a colour corresponding to the power he's using.
As for the interface I designed a health and demon power gauge that would sit in the top left corner of the screen, the flame in the centre gets smaller the less health you have and the black flames on the outside get smaller as your demon power decreases. 

Our presentation went well, Connor talked about the plot and gamer details while me and Aj talked about the character design and Adam talked about the battle system.

All in all our game was received well and I think we made use of all our individual skills and specialist knowledge very well and we produced a well thought out imaginative design.  

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